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The summer of 2006, about a month after graduating High School, I packed most of my belongings and moved across the Atlantic from the far too small country of Sweden to the Big Apple. After a year of wild partying and hard work I entered Baruch College with a dream of a degree in International Marketing. Now, almost 4 years after I entered JFK airport with everything I owned in my hands, the dream of a success career in business is still growing strong!


Thursday, May 13, 2010


After taking the leadership/management diagnostics, I felt a little disappointed at first. My result was labeled as "Steadiness", and was characterized as a person who performs tasks in a consistent, and predictable manner. An "S' person also desires the status quo, and have a tendency to create stable harmonious work environments. By just analyzing my current lifestyle, I couldn't recognize myself in the analysis from the test.

Since my life is very fast-paced, and constantly becoming more hectic, I think I have developed a skill of making fast decisions in ever-changing environments. But reading the other personal profiles, I soon realized that my result actually was the analysis that described me the best. Because even though my busy life have forced me to adapt to new situations, and try new ways to get tasks done, I think I do have a tendency to try to create structure by organizing things until I feel like I have full control over every part of my life. Words such as calm, loyal, patient, and a good listener have been describing my character throughout my life.

Although I think these are good qualities, I also would like to be seen as a very driven, and ambitious person. I think the DISC test might give an accurate description of what an individual values, or how that person wants to be perceived by others, but I don't think that the test can give any valuable information about how a person will actually act, and fit into a group. Because even though you could put a label on people, and try to predict they way they will act, I think most people also adjust to the group they are put in. So if I'm put in a group with other "S" labeled people I might behave more like a C,I or D person. So I definitely think that you can become a different type than you have been labeled.

Lastly I think tests such as this one, could be helpful for an individual trying to analyze themselves. But to use this test as a tool to place people in 1 out of 4 squares when deciding to hire a person or not, I think would be a mistake. People have a lot more nuances than could possibly be illustrated by any test. Not to mention the fact that people can at any point in their life decide to slightly change certain characteristics, or make decisions that are "out of character". I don't think people come with a manual describing their behavior, and therefore it would be a mistake to try to place a worker in a box, or square. With that said, I think the more time you spend actually analyzing a person's actions, and behavior, the more you'll learn about the person behind the ABC's;)


  1. Hey Pernilla, I just want to say that I completely agree with you. Your opinion on this topic is similar to what I think. I also think that it is impossible for a test of this type to accurately describe a person. We are humans, and we are known for our adaptability, as you have so aptly shown. I think your "original" personality type is an S (same as me =]) but due to the situations we are in, we can definitely change ourselves and try to adapt some virtues or tendencies from the 3 other categories.

    And as far as the professional life goes, I do believe that this test being used in order to weed out potential employees is unfair. There are so many people on this planet with just as many different personalities that this test cannot possibly show. The best thing to do would be for a manager to interview the candidate and try to get a feel, or a vibe, and then make a decision. This test should definitely not be the sole decider in the pivotal decision to either hire a person or not.

    Great insight though! :D

  2. I agree with the notion that this test should not be heavily weighed when deciding whether or not to hire someone. Though, I don't think many fortune 500 companies agree with us as statistics show that 85% of them utilize this test during the interview process. I also agree that i think its possible for people to change their characteristics or act "out of character". I think that with a positive influence and the right drive a person can easily become a "D" and lead his or her team in an assertive fashion.

  3. I totally agree with this test not being the only thing that should be used in a hiring situation. It's funny I think many of us are seeing being a "D" is something to aspire to. But I think we need to embrace our own personalities and improve on things WE feel we need to improve on, that not to say ignore the world, but at the end of the day you have to be happy with YOU.

  4. Pernilla, i had few group projects with you, and i got to know you a little:) You did give me an impression of a steady person. You are calm, reasonable and respectful to others, which made you a really good team player. But i also see a leader personality in you. Whenever we were in a team together i always saw you taking the initiative trying to organize the group work... So, i guess these kind of tests can't be 100% accurate with all the people that take them.

  5. I think it is safe to say that we all learned a little more about ourselves. In all honesty, I think the test was pretty accurate and did serve its purpose. With that being said, nothing can be 100%, and nobody knows us better than ourselves.

  6. I think it is a good thing to have "S" as your trait. Steadiness is very important and a great personality to have in teams especially. It will help others think twice before making sudden decisions. I am a "D" trait, but got "S" as my 2nd one and think its definitely important to have to balance out too much "D", if that makes sense lol =). Additionally, I compeletely agree that using this for hiring people is not the best thing to do!

  7. Like many classmates above I agree that tests can't be a tool to judge people. Instead it could be a good tool for ourselves. I don't think any of us before the test had a chance to think seriously: "Why kind of personality I am?" And here was the test, we didn't even have to go anywhere:)))
    "Steadiness" sounds like a great characteristic. I think such people are trustworthy and can be relied on.

  8. I agree with what you said about the hiring process. I also think that this test is a great tool to analyze your own personality, but should not be used excessively by hiring managers, as it could lead to wrong conclusions.

  9. There were some friends that I sit next to in class that were also disappointed with their outcome from the diagnostic test as well. I will tell you the same thing I told them, "Don't let a pre-programmed test define you." Being "Steady" is perfectly fine, just don't let it pigeon whole you. Also, you can change based off of how you approach the task.
